Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Di mana Yogyakarta? Where is Yogyakarta?

From Drive the World
Map of where Yogyakarta is found

When I have told people that I am going to Indonesia, the standard responses have been:  "So how long are you staying in Bali?"  or "Are you going to Jakarta?"  I have then had to follow these responses with an explanation that I am not going to Bali and I am only spending 3 days in Jakarta.  I then explain that I will be spending most of my time in Yogyakarta or Yogya  for short.  Yogya is referred to as the university capital of Indonesia, as it stations a large number of universities.  Yogya is on the same island as Jakarta but is towards the south of the island.  To help make this clearer I have included a link of where Yogyakart can be found.

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